Sticker Maker Studio


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Para crear tus stickersitos 🥰
* Support for animated stickers ❤️ * Smaller app size ❤️ * FIxed issue with rename dialog * Fixed issue where list of sticker packs would jump to the top each time. * Added text only option! * Better quality stickers * Added Scrollbar to Sticker Library so you can scroll while you scroll 😎
Esse app é top
Se guardan perfectamente en WhatsApp 👌🏼
Ideal para crear tus propios stickers.
App para crear stickers o descargar paquetes de stickers 🤍
Creador de stickers.
Nice app!!! You can make you own stickers!! I love it 😻 👍🔥
Una app super completa para que hagan los stickers de wpp, incluso stickers animados ;)